How to Access Google Analytics on a TAS Site

Using Monster Insight Plugin


Last Update 6 bulan yang lalu

At TAS Belize, we recognize the significance of collecting and monitoring your website data. We install Google Analytics on every site we create and seamlessly integrate it into the website dashboard using the free version Monster Insights Plugin. The free version gives a 30-day snapshot of the site traffic. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to accessing a traffic report for your site through Google Analytics.

  1. Begin by logging in to your dashboard. You can use the access credentials provided to you by our dedicated TAS support team.
  2. Once you're logged in, navigate to the 'Insights' tab on the dashboard. Simply hover your cursor over the 'Dashboard' option, and then click on 'Insights.'
  3. The page will refresh to display a comprehensive overview of your traffic report, as generated by Google Analytics.

If you desire a more comprehensive report extending beyond the 30-day range, there are two available options:

  1. Advance Report in WordPress Dashboard: To enable this feature, kindly request TAS Belize to purchase and install the premium version of the Monster Insights Plugin on your site. Please note that this addition will incur an annual fee of $597 BZD, which will be added to your hosting fees.
  2. Access through Google Analytics Dashboard: If you are proficient in navigating the Google Analytics dashboard, you may opt to have TAS Belize add your Gmail account as a collaborator. To initiate this process, please send a request to [email protected]. Ensure that you include the email address you wish to add for access.

Should you encounter any difficulties while attempting to access your analytics report, please don't hesitate to contact us. Send an error report detailing the issue to [email protected], and our team will be happy to assist you in resolving the problem.

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